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Level 29 & 30, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane , QLD
FDC (QLD) have recently transformed the Morgans Financial premises, located within the prestigious Riverside Centre in Brisbane. The beautiful refurbishment was completed in a live environment, with FDC’s expert QLD team staging the works to allow Morgans staff to continue working uninterrupted.
The fitout consisted of:
Disturbance management was a key priority to ensure disruption to staff was minimal throughout the works. Due to staging and working within a live office environment, the tenancies on each level were split into separate fitouts. The inter-tenancy stair was hoarded-off during the works to maintain safe segregation of the work zone and contractors from Morgans’ staff and minimise dust and noise transfer. The comms rooms on the fitout floors also remained operational during works, and were decommissioned once the new comms rooms were complete.
Heavy coordination of services within the ceiling space and the alignment of veneer panels in the lift lobby was also required.
The premises also feature a theatre and broadcast studio, which involved heavy AV coordination and for existing equipment to remain operational during the whole program. FDC’s AV contractor worked tirelessly to ensure Morgans could transmit their live daily broadcast to staff Australia-wide from their refurbished theatre on the morning of the project handover day.
Overall, the resulting refit is striking, sophisticated and functional, with standout features including the timber joinery in which the reception lobby and ceiling is wrapped. FDC are proud to have completed this high-quality refurbishment for Morgans Financial, delivered in conjunction with Knight Frank, Group GSA, XBuro and Knisco.
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