Modern Slavery

FDC Group and several of our operating divisions, are “reporting entities,” as determined by the criteria stated in the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 (MSA). As such, FDC complies with the mandatory reporting criteria included within this legislation, including the submission of an annual Modern Slavery Statement, on behalf of each of our reporting entities.

Our annual Modern Slavery Statement outlines the initiatives FDC undertakes to identify, assess, and manage the risks of modern slavery that may exist in the supply chains of our own operations and those of our suppliers and service providers. It also details the various initiatives and collaborations we undertake to ensure that we continually improve our procurement practices and exceed the expectations of ourselves, our clients, and our legislative requirements.

FDC will continue to implement measures into our business that aim to protect and improve the human rights outcomes for disadvantaged members of our communities, as well as providing the most ethical, sustainable, and commercially viable solutions available for our clients.

The FDC Code of Conduct and Ethics, Modern Slavery Policy and Modern Slavery Charter for Suppliers and Service Providers, provide additional detail on the expectations FDC have of its employees, suppliers and all other stakeholders with regards to the fair and equal treatment of all involved in the creation of our built product.

Our most recent Modern Slavery Statements may be viewed here.