Complimentary access to qualified psychologists for all FDC staff
At FDC, our team comes first. As a member of the FDC team you have complimentary access to experienced qualified psychologists to assist you with any challenges you may be facing in any area of your life. This is a strictly confidential process aimed at keeping you well. FDC has no visibility of the names of those that access the service or the nature of the calls.
What is the process?
The first step is to call 1300 762 989
Your phone call will be answered by a front office counselling team who will ask you a number of questions to help establish the best service for you. This may include:
Your first name
The type of counselling you would prefer – either face to face or over the phone
Your email address and/or your mobile number
What appointment time would best suit you
You will receive a phone call within 24 hours with a qualified psychologist who will introduce themselves, ask some initial questions around your personal situation, answer any initial questions you may have and set your first appointment.
You attend your first appointment either over the phone or if your preference, face to face in a discrete psychologist office in your local area. Your appointment will run for approximately 60mins.
You may attend up to 3 appointments complimentary. At this point, if you do want to continue appointments, your psychologist can find the best service for you.
Other things to note:
Counselling is available by phone and face to face during business hours of 9.00am to 5.00pm.
This is a free service for up to three sessions.
Rehab Management (Aust) Pty Ltd is our provider this service. Their counsellors are all qualified psychologists who are experiences in assisting people with a wide range of problems and issues.
The counsellor will talk to you about confidentiality of your information before you start any counselling session.